Review: Mega Cloud

Last update: 07.03.2024

Speed 91%
Features 85%
Storage 97%
Photos 92%
Price 95%

Free Storage: 20 GB

Our Rating: 9 / 10

If you’re looking for storage outside the US and Europe, Mega.NZ is probably the best alternative. This is a world-renowned service from New Zealand that has gone viral in the past primarily due to pirated content sharing. Today, MEGA is starting to become more of a cloud-based service and over the years it has become a respected and very high quality service for sharing photos, documents, videos and you can even chat through its client.


  • Speed
  • Price
  • Mobile app
  • Photos on mobile
  • Folders for photos
  • Chat functionality
  • Clear environment
  • Dark or light mode on both PC and mobile
  • Reading documents (pdf, doc,…)
  • High variability for team and family
  • Security


  • Does not recognise faces
  • Does not have file editing

Mega Cloud has many advantages. It has a quality mobile app that tries to compete even with such players as Google Photos. It is the possibility of an in-app gallery will be appreciated by those who need to use the cloud as a space for storing but also presenting photos. Of course, the excellent application serves as a tool for instantly sharing files and documents with your friends. Recently, they have also added to the app the possibility of direct communication between users.

Among the drawbacks, we would mention the inability to edit documents and the lack of the ability to recognize faces in photos and the limit on data transfer. However, the latter is large enough and probably won’t limit you.

MEGA Cloud features

MEGA offers high security and relatively solid storage capacity. But nowadays people demand more from the cloud, so MEGA is gradually adding new functionalities to its environment. One such functionality is the internal MEGA chat. It’s a good tool if you want to communicate directly with users and quickly share links to individual files. The text within the chat is encrypted and is available on both mobile and desktop versions of the cloud.

Another interesting functionality is file versioning. You can use this, for example, when you unwantedly delete an old file with a new one. In this case, you can get the old data back. These problems happen when you delete documents. Anyway, the lack of production tools like OneDrive or Gdrive is one of the biggest shortcomings of the service, but if you don’t require these document processing tools from the cloud, MEGA is a great solution.

Personal storage pricing and capacity

mega cloud prices 2024

You can set up your business/family plan according to your needs

Mega storage also offers a relatively high variability in cloud configuration. Based on a simple tool on the website, you can see how much a program tailored exactly to your conditions would cost. Of course, as the number of terabytes goes up, so does the price, but you can change and adjust that over time. This feature is especially suitable for more demanding or advanced users. We like this option and consider it to be an advantage of the service over competitors.

prices mega cloud 2024 team

Private storage prices are certainly among the better ones. For as little as $11/month, you can get up to 2 TB of space, which is plenty for basic files and documents. This space will also be enough for standard photo shoots and uploading family photos.

In the case of the business plan (which can conveniently be used as a family plan), there is plenty of room for a variety of bail. You can configure the number of users as well as the size of the package and the monthly data transfer limit.

Mega cloud does not optimize your photos so the photos are without loss of quality, which of course entails a higher load on capacity. Not to worry though, unless you’re a professional photographer even 2 TB will last you for years. However, if you need to upload all the family photos collected from all your cousins, plus a complete discography of your favourite bands, there’s always the option to increase your package. The good news is that Mega Storage also offers the option to pay on an annual basis, where you can save 16% off the price.

Mega Cloud on mobile

Mega Cloud on PC

Review summary

We rate Mega Cloud very positively, it is often cited as the third-best cloud in the world because of its huge user base. The frequency and size of updates also play in its favour. If you are looking for something transparent and secure you need not hesitate any longer. It is clear that this cloud is here to stay for many decades to come and you can’t go wrong by choosing it. In 2022, the environment (interface) was updated and this change is to be commended. The mega repository is also undergoing several updates and improvements during 2024.