Uloz.to as we know it ends – Updated 2024

Uloz.to certainly needs no introduction. The Czech server has enjoyed great popularity thanks to the possibility of downloading movies, music, games or other files. Uloz.to worked on the principle of uploading any kind of content, which is then publicly shared. Tens of thousands of visitors use it to this day, leaving them with eyes to cry on.

Uloz to Alternatives 2024


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How does Uloz.to work today?

Visit Uloz.to Disk

Update: 30.03.2024: Ulož.to is modifying its website in accordance with its ongoing shift towards online storage. The rich content that Uloz.to once owned is no longer available for download, even in March 2024. However, the company intends to shift its focus to corporate or personal cloud technology. It should be mentioned that Uloz.to is attempting to draw notice by providing incredibly large data packages. Additionally, it provides 50GB of free storage for your media and documents. If you require additional space, it provides up to 10 TB for 6,50 USD per month. The aforementioned packages are even more affordable.

Update 23.01.2024 – Some days ago, Ulož.to launched a new project called “Send” to provide anonymous file sharing between users. This is actually a similar functionality to what Ulož.to had recently, making it a great database for downloading legal as well as illegal content. The Send service is, however, specific and is probably trying to wiggle its way through legislative regulations. The content on Send was only available for a certain amount of time – one year – and there was also a limit on the number of downloads to 10,000. Once that limit was reached, the file in question would be deleted. Recently, however, Ulož.to has stopped the Send service again and the link currently leads to a subpage: https://upload.nolog.cz/. It seems that Ulož.to hasn’t said the last word yet and is looking for a way to come back with popular content.


As Uloz.to informs on its website, major changes in the operation will affect the classic repository, but also PINKfile.cz, which is known for pornographic content. The Uloz.to Live service is governed by different legislation and will therefore not be affected by these changes.

  • The changes are forced in response to the upcoming European legislation known as the Digital Services Act (DSA), which aims to ensure the proper functioning of the single market, preserve a safe online environment and protect the fundamental rights of users. Cloud storage services will only be available to registered users from Friday 1 December 2023. They will now only be able to work with files that they have uploaded to the repository themselves. Files will not be able to be shared publicly, not even by addressing them via content.“Uloz.to will thus become a classic data repository like Google Drive or Mega Cloud.

The server also says that customers can switch to the FREE package or cancel their accounts if they decide they no longer want to use the service. If that is the case, they will receive a prorated refund of their subscription fees based on how much they used. It is stated that users won’t need to worry about losing their personal files.

Source: Uloziska.sk

2 thoughts on “Uloz.to as we know it ends – Updated 2024

  1. So I paid for fast download and still have plenty of GB’S LEFT, NOW WHAT?
    Since I am not able to download and not interested in cloud storage, how can I get my $$ back? Or am I just screwed by another company?

    1. Hello Arek,
      Based on FAQ on Uloz.to website, you can ask for refund.
      Here is translated part from their website:

      “As a logged-in user, please send us the bank account number where you wish to send the money. We will be happy to refund you a pro-rata portion of any unused data or plan.
      For payments made by SMS, we only refund a maximum of 50% of the amount due to high margins with mobile operators.
      If you wish to return to us in the future, we recommend using the subscription option.”

      So please login into your accoun on Uloz.to website and trough contact for submit your refund request with bank info.
      Good luck

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